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Asphalt 9 Switch Best Cars in Each Class

multiplayer, nissan 370z nismo, asphalt 9

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I test the Nissan 370Z Nismo in multiplayer, and find that the purportedly worst car in Asphalt 9 isn't entirely a lost cause.


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Hey guys firm here and today I'm going to be testing the Nissan 370z Nismo purportedly:

The worst car in asphalt nine but let's see how it does in multiplayer. It's a Trank 1662 completely maxed with everything applied. To it and so let's see how this car that no one ever expected?

Me to really test can do against. Some higher ranked cars like for example to Huracan Evo spiders in this race but first let me explain why I and the other people. Who helped me work on the best and worst cars in each class list decided to put this car.

At the very bottom of Class D essentially giving it the official title of worst car in asphalt nine well it has!

One of the lowest top speeds in the entire game it's nitro efficiency is not especially good its handling is not especially.

Good and its acceleration is not especially good and that's for Class.

D the real problem for this car is not necessarily that it drives badly it's actually not horrible.

To drive it just does not have any qualities that make it stand out anywhere? Really when compared to the other low-end D class cars the Lancer and Camaro both have better. Nitro efficiency and top speed than this car and the BMW z4 has quite a bit better:

Acceleration and so because of those cars relative: Strengths they pull out ahead on certain different tracks above each other but this one just doesn't really pull ahead anywhere.

Because it has no specific good traits at all even. For Class D sort of think of it as the J 50 of Class D if you haven't seen my J 50 video. You should definitely check that out it's sort of like that car that embodies mediocrity although this.

One comes pretty close to that as well all that being said and you probably.

Noticed this in the J 50 video as well a mediocre car can still do OK when it's number one driven? Well and number two its opponents make mistakes. Like in this race the Huracan behind me yes that's a Huracan believed or not wrecked back there.

Asphalt 9

And thus I'm able to finish ahead of him thus beating a Huracan in the worst car in the game how about that although. The one that didn't wreck did beat us by a longshot but we did coming point for ahead of all those other. Nismo is back there now let's see how we can do against.

Not one but two four star Lotus Elise's which has better stats than me in every single way top speed is slightly better every thing. Else is way better one of them went. To the right I thought he was going to drop off and then go in the ship like a lot of people.

Do but instead he continued going straight:

And jumped over the ramp layer over to the left side that way is very long do not go that way because that literally is what. Allowed me to catch up well pretty much to him and then he goes the other way over there which is longer.

As well he's just taken all the long ways and thus I do manage to come into first place so we've.

Got him behind me as well as that other.

Lotus Elise who is catching up let's see if we can stay ahead the thing is if you are in first place somehow doesn't.

Matter now but if you somehow get in first place against some people who have better agility. And all that stuff but the same top speed or maybe just slightly better as long as there aren't a whole bunch of turns.

And stuff on the map where you're gonna lose speed you're probably going.

To be able to win because see here these Lotus Elise's. Even though their acceleration nitro efficiency and the handling are much better I mean they can't?

Catch up because they don't have much better speed and therefore that?

Is why I am maintaining first place here and when I forgot to mention. Earlier there's another reason why this is the worst car in the game you can't make it purple like the. Nissan GTR you can do that as well but this one is bad in every way including.

The color I think that may be due to the licensing agreement. The game off has with Nissan to put their cars in the game Nissan stipulated that there couldn't be custom. Colors or something the only other thing like this in the game that I can think of is I believe it's all Ferrari cars you cannot.

Change the color of the rims so that's a little. Weird little bits of Licensing things so here. We do come in first place ahead of these two Lotus Elise's and one Nissan.

Another one beats one of those lotuses and that poor one-star Porsche Cayman comes in last now that?

Track back there is Scotland is not one where the super agile cars tend to do super good?

On because it has a lot of straightaways and things like that but let's see what will happen. On u.s. Midwest on one of the tracks where.

There are actually quite a few twists. And turns and in this race we are facing three Lotus of Lisa's. One of them is at 4 star and 2 of them I believe are at 3 star they haven't managed.

To catch up around the twists and turns we've had so far and I am trying to go around without drifting. Stuff to be able to stay in my top speed and I am making use of that!

Break nitro trick which I will definitely go over in my updated how to go fast. Video or videos non tire sure how I want to do that! Yet but if you do not know what it is how it is done or what is used for let me briefly explain.

Basically it is done by when you are in the single notch or the yellow nitro. Quickly do brig nitro reg nitro Gregg nitro about like that and basically what it does is it extends your.

Nitro duration without losing you much speed if you do it right now that can only really be done on straights: Because if you brake when turning you're gonna start drifting. Which slows you down and that's not so great if an idea.

In that case somewhere else this technique is quite useful is on maintaining speed upon landing from jumps because. When you are in the air you get a 33% increase in your speed but when you land it goes back to your top? Speed rather quickly one way you can sort of extend your air speed.

Upon landing is by doing that brake nitro brake nitro brake nitro trick rather quickly but not so fast as to do a 360 and. You will keep higher speed upon landing for a little bit thanks.

To a fig for finding out that trick I seem to accidentally rhyme all the time okay. I'll stop now so we did meet all those lotuses in that race but in this race how will we do against.

A four star release as well as three Porsche Caymans now the Cayman is currently the third.

Best car Indy class behind the Hemi and the Shelby however the two new cars which were added in the. Summer update which will be the Ginetta. G60 and the Porsche 911 Targa s I believe they will probably be the new kings of D class the Ginetta.

On shorter and twistier tracks and the targa on longer and more top speed oriented. Tracks if you would like to see the stats of those cars definitely. Check them out in my recent update!

Video after all the new cars in this update are tested! I do plan to make an updated best and worst cars in each class video because there's definitely going. To be some new kings in this update so we've settled in pretty?

Nicely to second position here with this Elise. Ahead of us and the caymans and actually another Nismo behind us now when you're in this sort of situation where there. Is a car with about the same speed but much more agile ahead of you you're.

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Asphalt 9 Switch Best Cars in Each Class
